I'm Satyanshu Kumar, a tech enthusiast skilled in AI, ML, and NLP. With a flair for crafting intelligent algorithms and linguistic mastery, I'm here to transform your AI and NLP aspirations into tangible solutions. Let's breathe life into your technological visions, whether it's in algorithms or language models.

- Birthday: 30 June 2002
- Degree: Dual Degree (B.Tech + M.Tech)
- Email: satyanshu.iitkgp@gmail.com
- City: Kharagpur, India
- Age: 21
- Course: B.Tech: ME + M.Tech: AI & ML
- Phone: +91 83294 24610
- Website: satyanshu404.github.io
Armed with expertise in Data Science and NLP, including hands-on experience with Large Language Models projects, I possess the skills to undertake technical projects. My proficiency in Python libraries and frameworks equips me to build projects from the ground up. Let's turn concepts into reality!
Python 90%
C/C++ 85%
JavaScript 75%
HTML 85%
CSS 75%
SQL 65%
PyTorch 70%
Tensorflow & Keras 60%
Hugging Face 85%
NLTK 65%
Numpy 90%
Pandas 90%
MatplotLib 85%